All in Personal Data Management

On Managing Health Data Programs: Some Thoughts After the Health Datapalooza Conference

As an extension of my own research and consulting on big data project planning and management, I wanted to improve my understanding of how data governance and program management practices impact how medical and health data are used.

No Thanks, I Prefer Sharing WITH Friction

In Whoops, I didn’t mean for you to read this Brian Solis explains Facebook’s new “frictionless sharing” model which gives people the ability, when they install a new Facebook app that makes such sharing possible, to decide whether or not they want their app-related behaviors to be automatically added to their Facebook timeline. This then makes it possible for Facebook followers to receive automatic notifications of these behaviors and provides advertisers with invaluable data on personal behavior and preferences.

Facebook Connect Raises Complex Data Portability and Data Sharing Issues

Successful system operation frequently depends on the quality of the data it contains. Social networking systems rely on the ability their members have to manage and keep up to date information about their identities. They also rely on the ability to describe and act upon data about relationships with other network members. If identity or relationship data are faulty, unstable, or inconsistent, the operation of the social network, and the performance of network based transactions related to it, will suffer.
Luis Suarez recently blogged and podcasted about social bookmarking services. He highly recommends BLINKLIST, a service that I have not used. I have been using RAWSUGAR, COGENZ, and CONNECTBEAM, so I also have been forming some personal opinions about social bookmarking.
I've been experimenting with NetVibes, an online tool that lets you build a re-usable and bookmark-able central page where you can load a variety of services. I've added my Yahoo! Mail link (you can add a link for Google mail if you like), RSS feeds for various Web 2.0 and Yahoo! Groups I'm active in, as well as the feeds for various blogs I check regularly. Since I move around several computers during the day this tool could provide a great service, if only I could figure out a way to tie in my Eudora email that resides on my main machine and the custom Access database I use for contact tracking!