"MY DAEMON" (anime series) — www.ddmcd.com

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"MY DAEMON" (anime series)

Review by Dennis D. McDonald

I found this 13-episode series to be captivating, surprising, emotional, and at times, scary.

The story follows an 11-year-old boy navigating a post-apocalyptic Japan. His mission is to find a 'daemon' capable of resurrecting his deceased mother. Japan, and seemingly the rest of the world, have been overrun by 'daemons' of various shapes and sizes, unleashed by a catastrophic nuclear event. These daemons range from minor nuisances to evil, violent entities. A semi-governmental organization akin to the military has emerged to study and eventually eliminate them.

Some humans possess the ability to control daemons, using them to hunt and eliminate malevolent ones. Despite their efforts, the conflict persists, rendering vast areas of Japan uninhabitable.

The young, naive protagonist and his companion daemon are constantly pursued and mistrusted, leading to a life on the run.

The diversity of daemons in terms of size, shape, and abilities—some bordering on supernatural—is remarkable, showcasing the creators' imagination. The narrative's road trip and pursuit elements highlight various human challenges in understanding and combating daemons. In his quest to revive his mother, the boy encounters a spectrum of characters, both malevolent and sympathetic. These characters are effectively depicted through detailed animation, including facial expressions, clothing, and near-future technologies.

Like many dramatic anime, 'My Daemon' balances human relationships and sentimentality with its darker elements. A few characters are designed to be more cartoonish, slightly undermining the series' otherwise serious tone.

However, this is a minor criticism. 'My Daemon' is an enthralling series, deserving of the time invested in its beautifully illustrated 20-minute episodes. Highly recommended.

Review copyright (c) 2023 by Dennis D. McDonald

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