All in Governance

Associations -- and Social Media -- Are Only Human

Ben Martin’s provocatively titled blog post As long as people don’t really care associations will survive addresses the common (these days) idea that social media and social networking somehow “compete” with the traditional idea of a professional association. After all, if anyone can throw together an online group of like-minded individuals at the drop of a hat, won’t professional associations inevitably lose members to such grassroots movements?
Craig Thomler’s Make government data freely available neatly lays out, from an Australian’s perspective, a discussion of how the public can benefit if government agencies make raw data available for access by individuals and organizations who then analyze or present that data in a useful way. These points are from Thomler’s conclusions:
I was interviewed yesterday by a Forrester Research staff member about how CIO’s (Chief information Officers) should approach the implementation of collaboration tools (click here for a list of blog posts related to “collaboration”). We talked about the usual adoption issues related to “web 2.0” applications within the enterprise.

Project Management, Social Media, and Defining "Community"

As a continuation of our Conversation about Project Management and Social Media, Lee White in his recent post Project Community states the following: The point here is not that Social Media, as discussed in earlier posts, directly drives efficiencies, but that it can create a community of project stakeholders that are passionate about the successful completion of a project.