All in Data Governance

Needed: Better Integration of Project Management and Data Management

These days, still, when you read about big data or if you attend conferences or webinars you’re much more likely to read about products and tools. You don’t hear as much about “back room” management issues you need to address to make sure all the members of the project team are sharing information and marching in the same direction.

Risk, Uncertainty, and Managing Big Data Projects

Anyone who practices project management for a living will recognize this list. It’s certainly not unique to big data analytics project. It is however reasonable to ask whether “big data” projects are unique in some way that exacerbates the probability of failure.

Getting Real About “Open Data” Part II

When it comes to the “open” data associated with the program, some users will want raw data to do their own thing, some will be satisfied with self-service tools that allow them to interact with the data in various structured or defined ways, and others will be more comfortable relying on the services of intermediaries that understand the data, the tools, and are qualified to interpret the information requirements of those they serve.

How Important Is ‘Total Cost of Standardization’ to the DATA Act?

Last week I attended a meeting in DC sponsored by the Data Transparency Coalition, PwC, and Intel. Representatives of the Federal agencies likely to manage implementation of the evolving DATA Act presented their thoughts on implementing the Act’s requirements for standardizing and reporting on Federal financial data.