Dennis D. McDonald ( consults from Alexandria Virginia. His services include writing & research, proposal development, and project management.

Zack Snyder’s SUCKER PUNCH

Zack Snyder’s SUCKER PUNCH

Movie review by Dennis D. McDonald

Bullet point review:

  • Strange film, oddly entertaining.
  • Can’t tell if the Netflix Blu-ray is the theatrical or the extended cut; I think the former.
  • Forced commercials at the beginning that are next-to-impossible to skip when viewed via Corel software on a Windows 7 Sony Vaio caused me to have to restart the movie three times.
  • No extras since this is a Netflix “rental” Blu-ray. 
  • Loved the dragon chasing the B-25.
  • Some clever camera tricks in the dressing room.
  • Lead actresses appear to be neither dancers nor action stars and that shows in many of the scenes.
  • Main bad guy with pencil thin mustache is not convincing.
  • Fun special effects but action sequences are over-long and repetitive.
  • Scott Glenn is wasted in this film.
  • For me the most interesting character was played by Jena Malone. 
  • Sequences seem cobbled together from reconstituted TV, movie, and videogame sequences. Haven’t the producers of this read any of the classics from which to steal?

 Review copyright (c) 2011 by Dennis D. McDonald

Disney's TANGLED

Disney's TANGLED