James Cameron's THE ABYSS
This two-DVD special edition has more than enough material to keep an SF fan happy for days. In addition to the “director’s cut” that adds nearly 20 minutes back to the film (including the original spectacular tidal wave sequence that was inexplicably cut from the movie’s theatrical release) there are tons of extras, stills, production photos, documentaries, all tied up in a really cool menu interface.

The model work in this movie is simply spectacular. Watching how the “fly-by” of the crashed submarine was done in a dry (!) smoke filled studio is a wonder to behold. Most interesting, though, is the work done on developing the aliens and their ships, all documented with numerous sketches and photographs. Plus, it’s a wonder that more people weren’t killed in making the movie, so much was produced under water in a giant tank.
After all these years, I still think this movie qualifies as the greatest gadget lover’s movie ever made. That plus MaryElizabeth Mastrontonio’s beautiful brown eyes make this film a classic in my book.