Big Data Project Management: What Works? (Slides)

Below are the slides I used at the Data Science DC Lightning Talks on September 29, 2015 in Arlington, Virginia. I talked about what I’ve been finding in my independently conducted “big data project management research” interviews. My focus is the business and process change side of big data projects and programs. Two brief progress reports are here (“Setting the Stage”) and here (“What’s In and What’s Out?”)
Follow up reading:
Copyright (c) 2015 by Dennis D. McDonald, Ph.D. I’m a Washington DC area management consultant. Let me know if you need help with planning or managing your projects or programs. My services include preproposal research and analysis, proposal development and costing, marketing and sales support, project and program management including PMO setup and administration, project work plan development, and resource planning. Reach me by phone at 703-402-7382 or by email at website is